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Tasiuqtigiit Hand in Hand Society

Tasiuqtigiit Hand in Hand Society

Uummati Doula/Maternal Support Worker Online Professional Development and Training

Tasiuqtigiit Hand in Hand Society in collaboration with the Uummati Maternal Support program is offering an online, virtual training opportunity to Inuit working in or are interested in a professional role in the perinatal field.

The Uummati Program training aims to offer continuous, non-medical, culturally relevant care to work alongside multidisciplinary role in the perinatal team. This role will bridge the gap in the current system. Families come out of this program more supported, happier and healthier. The training be delivered and shared through locally resourced content that make sure culturally relevant resources are being utilized. The workshops will be led by a Traditional Inuit Birthing Knowledge Keeper & co-facilitated with a Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula.

The skills that will be taught may be utilized in a current professional position or offer the chance, skills and confidence for someone to apply for a new job in the perinatal field.

These skills will be useful to Inuit CPNP workers, public health staff, nurses, hospital workers, boarding home staff, daycares, preschools, anywhere that offers services to pregnant and postnatal families. This support service that will be taught is sustainable and it bridges the gap of modern and traditional methods and care.

The topics taught will include how to guide families in all perinatal areas including fertility, adoption, loss support, addictions, postpartum depression, newborn care, breastfeeding, hospital procedures, traditional Inuit birthing knowledge, labor positions, informed care and self-advocacy, newborn care, wellness, special circumstances. We will teach the Uummati code of conduct and scope of practice as well as how to implement and follow it.

The variety of knowledge will extend from fertility to the early years. The information will be evidence based and bring in and include important knowledge from an advisory committee of elders and Nunavut collaborators.

Teaching these skills online to Inuit will offer the opportunity to expand training to Nunavummiut in all communities. This will create opportunities for participants to connect with each other across the Territory.

For more information

Email Katie at Tasiuqtigiit,

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