Pirurvik Preschool Training Project
With the support of the Pond Inlet DEA the Pirurvik Preschool opened its doors on Thursday January 14, 2016 in a classroom located at the Ulaajuk Elementry School in Pond Inlet. This Early Childhood Education program is for children ages 2.5-4 years old.
The Pirurvik Preschool provides Early Childhood Education that is child centered and based on that Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) principals and is enriched through the use of Montessori materials. Their goal is to provide a culturally relevant learning experience.
The Pirurvik Preschool has created training modules, to be delivered by the Pirurvik Preschool staff, so they may lend their experiences and learning journeys with other ECE educators throughout Nunavut, who may be interested in this learning program, and who may wish to enhance their own ECE programs in their own community.
Tessa Lochhead
The Pirurvik Preschool provides Early Childhood Education that is child centered and based on the Inuit Qaujimajatugangit principles and is enrished through the use of Montessori materials. MITC funded this program.
Posted by Makigiaqta Inuit Training Corporation on Monday, September 24, 2018