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Performance Management Consultants

PMC is proposing to design a program that offers support to both Inuit employees and their employers to provide the best chance at job retention, growth and learning on-the-job and building open and culturally respectful workplaces. The proposed program will target graduates from our Pre-Employment Training Programs with 6 participants from each of these communities: Pond Inlet, Pangnirtung and Iqaluit (both Inuit youth and adults with barriers to employment). We will work with roughly 18 participants and their respective employers. Approximately 3 of these graduates from each community will have already found jobs and the other 3 will be graduates who are still trying to find suitable employment. Building on our existing relationships with participants and local employers in each of the proposed communities, our team will work with both employees and their employers to foster strong working relationships, break down barriers, support individual participants as they find ways to work together effectively. In addition, the program will help to develop more culturally sensitive, respectful and inclusive workplaces—regardless of employment sector, by promoting relevant Inuit cultural activities.


  • Greater ability to communicate specific workplace needs (self-awareness of participants as well as with employers general awareness within broader community)
  • Greater motivation for participants to find meaningful employment and contribute to their families and their community in multiple ways
  • Increased understanding of unique skills, attributes and interests specifically as they apply on the job
  • Increased knowledge of local support services that can assist with job attainment and retention
  • Increased level of self-confidence in participants’ abilities
  • Encouraging emotional resilience and trauma management strategies on the job
  • Strengthening relationships with local employers and building the capabilities of employers to be open and inclusive of Inuit employees
  • Establish networking opportunities for employers and employees based on Inuit cultural knowledge (building self-awareness, skills enhancement, self-sufficiency, and pride and confidence—as well as greater cultural understanding on the part of non-Inuit employers)
  • Training on career goal setting, performance planning and giving and requesting feedback

Anticipated Deliverables

  • 2 Networking events (per community) that foster career development, and builds stronger working relationships between employers and employees and showcase success stories in various sectors
  • Orientation packages for employees offering tips for success in the workplace developed by Inuit consultants, including advise on how to handle difficult situations and conflicts that arise
  • Orientation packages for employers offering mentorship resources, Inuit-specific cultural sensitivity training and inclusive workplaces, and a guide to working with trauma-survivors
  • Culture activities held in each participating community to increase cultural knowledge in the workplace
  • Training sessions for both employees and employers on building strong working relationships, mentorship and creating Inuit culturally-inclusive workplaces


  • Physical disability related barriers (accessibility, mobility, need for special equipment);
  • Addictions, mental health challenges or the effects of trauma;
  • Food insecurity;
  • Intergenerational trauma of residential schools;
  • Lack of self-awareness and self-esteem;
  • Difficulty managing stress or emotions that arise on the job (which puts strains on relationships);
  • Social anxiety or a fear of not belonging or being excluded;
  • Lack of support from family, friends and local professionals;
  • Poverty (most are living on social assistance and find it difficult to make ends meet);
  • Social problems including violence and abuse;
  • Historic or ongoing trauma;
  • Lack of education and experience;
  • Income assistance disincentive;
  • Lack of experience handling money (on payday some people will spend every dollar they have and leave themselves in a bad situation until the next pay day);
  • Pressure from family members to share paycheques;
  • Fear of losing benefits (housing, medical, etc);
  • Cultural differences with potential employers causing communication challenges;
  • Fear or insecurity about their ability to work;
  • Family responsibilities (child or Elder care); or
  • Strained relationships with other community members (potential employers), as well as local support service providers.


Dan Hamilton
Phone: 613-234-2020

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