Creating Employment Opportunities for Inuit Through Inuktut Skills
(March 27, 2019 – Iqaluit, Nunavut) On the eve of the 20th anniversary of Nunavut’s creation, Inuit are investing more than $5.4 million over three years in accredited Inuktut language training through the Pirurvik Centre.
“Inuit are proud to invest in the Pirurvik Centre to meet the tremendous need among Nunavut’s employers for employees with strong Inuktut skills, to increase the pool of certified Inuktut language instructors and for the delivery of programs to enable more Inuit to acquire and develop the necessary competencies to work professionally in Inuktut,” said Makigiaqta Chair Aluki Kotierk.
Working with Elders and Inuktut language teachers from across Nunavut, Pirurvik will develop three Inuktut certificate programs and deliver the following outcomes:
- Increased access to adult learning programs designed specifically for the needs of Nunavut Inuit, including the skills needed to work effectively in Inuktut in a range of employment opportunities;
- For instructor trainees, there will be increased access to job-specific training related to language education and curriculum development;
- Strengthened capability to access and apply Inuit knowledge and practices in professional and personal context; and
- Increased confidence in Inuit cultural identity and capability to provide Inuit leadership in Nunavut’s workplaces.
Pirurvik has delivered courses in Inuktut First Language over a number of years, and Inuktut revitalization courses for Inuit learning it as a second language. This investment will see course deliveries expanded and developed into an Advanced Inuktut Working Language Diploma. Pirurvik will work to make this diploma accessible to all Inuit, including those who are enrolled in post-secondary education.
“Our rights to use, develop and transmit our language are recognized in the Canadian Constitution and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,” said Aluki Kotierk. “Inuktut is the original language of Nunavut and still spoken by the majority. It should be the language of public service. Yet, its use is declining and both the Canadian and territorial governments have failed to provide high quality education and training in our first language, both of which are required to achieve a representative workforce.”
For further information:
Additional information on Pirurvik’s project, as well as other projects made possible with support from Makigiaqta, are available on its website,
Malaya Mikijuk
Assistant Director of Communications,
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
867 975 4907 Toll-free: 1-888-646-0006
Leena Evic
President and Executive Director of Pirurvik Centre
Tel: 867-222-6811